Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s cabinet will make its “Stop Soros” law — named after the Hungarian-born U.S. investor and philanthropist George Soros — tougher than a version advanced before Orban’s landslide election victory a month ago, his chief of staff Antal Rogan told reporters on Monday. The cabinet will seek to amend the constitution to make the legislation tougher.
Hungary: Key Asylum Figures as of 1 May 2018
Das also soll der „Soros-Plan“ sein
Ungarns Außenminister schickte Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen den sogenannten „Soros-Plan“ – eine Sammlung von sechs Zitaten auf einem A4-Blatt. Der Brief liegt der „Presse“ vor.
Court orders Cabinet Office of #Hungary to issue a public apology and pay 2,000,000 HUF for false statements
Menschenrechtspreis der Stiftung PRO ASYL 2018 geht an die Vorsitzenden des Ungarischen Helsinki Komitees Márta Pardavi und András Kádár
Zivilgesellschaft, Bürger- und Menschenrechte stehen unter der Regierung Orbán massiv unter Druck. Mit seiner Arbeit stellt sich das Ungarische Helsinki Komitee (HHC) dieser zunehmenden Repression entgegen. Die Stiftung PRO ASYL zeichnet in diesem Jahr die beiden Vorsitzenden des HHC, Márta Pardavi und András Kádár, mit ihrem Menschenrechtspreis aus. Mit anti-semitischen Hetzkampagnen und restriktiven Gesetzespaketen will Orbán die Arbeit zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen und NGOs im Flüchtlingsbereich verhindern und Kritiker zum Schweigen bringen. Mit dem »Stop-Soros«-Gesetz kriminalisiert er zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement. Eine Beratung des Gesetzes im ungarischen Parlament steht unmittelbar bevor. Sollten Orbáns Pläne Wirklichkeit werden, wäre die Arbeit des HHC und anderer Menschen- und Bürgerrechtsorganisationen existentiell bedroht und die Menschenrechte in Ungarn fundamental zerlegt.
Radio-Interview mit Orbán, 4.5.2018:
A shadow army of George Soros is operating in Hungary. We want them to come into the light and to be visible. We want to know who they are, we want to understand what they want, and we want them to reveal the source and the amount of funding they receive, and whether they need to do anything in return for it. I think that this is a question of democracy, so that the arena in which political debates take place can be clearly seen by Hungarian voters. In part the Stop Soros legislative package serves this purpose. We would also like to make it clear that migration is not an issue of human rights, but an issue of national security. It is intimately linked to Hungarians’ everyday security, and therefore we must follow the rules related to national security. Those who wish to engage in activities related to migration must seek permission to do so from the responsible state body. I am convinced that this will contribute to the safety and security of every Hungarian. At the same time, those non-Hungarian nationals who support illegal immigration will be expelled from Hungary. This is the essence of the Stop Soros package.
[T]he largest group in the European Parliament is not that of the European People’s Party, but that of George Soros. The true facts of political life should be revealed not only in Hungary, but also over there. But first we should concern ourselves with Hungary, and when things are on course here, then we should table this issue. By the way, in the EU bills like the Stop Soros bill are regularly proposed, but then rejected. They seek to bring to light various lobbying organisations which operate under the cover of European institutions, and of the European Parliament. The largest and strongest of these is George Soros’s organisation. But we are a strong parliamentary group, and there will be European Parliament elections in 2019. This is important, because then the main issue can only be migration, as that is what interests the European people; they know that this is what will determine their fate. European leaders have been afraid to ask Europeans’ opinion on this, and so far people haven’t been given the chance to state their views on migration and immigration in a single country – apart from Hungary. Only Hungary has organised a referendum, a consultation on this. The European elections, however, will be nothing less than a grand referendum and consultation on the issues of immigration and migration. So in 2019 the European people will voice their opinion and let European politicians know what they expect them to do about migration, and how they should do it. Our shared European People’s Party – which includes parties that support immigration and parties, such as ours, that are opposed to immigration – will have to prepare for this. There are parties from countries which have already turned themselves into immigrant countries, and there are countries – such as Hungary – which don’t want to become immigrant countries, and don’t want to transfer their countries into foreign hands. The question is one of how we can work together in the upcoming European parliamentary election campaign; this is what we had to discuss.
[When] we met, I offered them the assistance of Fidesz and my intensive personal involvement in a large-scale European People’s Party campaign.
The Hungarian government is offering to donate barbed
EVP: „Auch für Orbán gibt es Grenzen“
Die Europäische Volkspartei im EU-Parlament befürchtet, dass Viktor Orbán nach seinem klaren Wahlsieg den Umbau Ungarns zu einer „illiberalen Demokratie“ fortsetzen wird. Jetzt ist ein Krisentreffen geplant.
Reporter Ohne Grenzen: Deutsche Korrespondenten auf Schwarzer Liste
In der vergangenen Woche hatte die regierungstreue Tageszeitung Magyar Idökmehrere ausländische Korrespondenten angegriffen, darunter den freien Journalisten Keno Verseck, der für Spiegel Online und die Deutsche Welle aus Ungarn berichtet. Menschen wie er würden wie Knechte „die widerwärtigsten Lügen der ultraliberalen Opposition“ ungefiltert an ein Millionenpublikum verbreiten. Dagegen müsse die ungarische Regierung etwas unternehmen, so Magyar Idök in einem Artikel.