Ungarische Behörden verweigern Flüchtlingen in Transitzonen Nahrung, um sie zur Ausreise zu zwingen. Aktivistin Márta Pardava berichtet über die Zustände in den Lagern.
Hungary fails to deport families to Afghanistan
Hungary tried and failed to deport three Afghan families to Afghanistan on Tuesday, in a move that rights groups say is a breach of international law. It was intended to prove the right-wing Fidesz government’s resolve to fight what it calls „illegal migrants“. However, the European Court of Human Rights intervened in one family’s case.
Orbán bricht mit Spitzenkandidat Weber kurz vor Europawahl
Orbán äußerte sich bei einer Pressekonferenz mit dem österreichischen Vizekanzler Heinz-Christian Strache von der rechtsnationalen FPÖ. Die EVP war ihrerseits im März auf Distanz zu Orbáns Fidesz-Partei gegangen und hatte die Mitgliedschaft der Partei in der Europäischen Volkspartei (EVP) auf unbefristete Zeit ausgesetzt. Hintergrund sind antieuropäische und antisemitische Äußerungen aus der Partei.
The Guardian: London media agency carries Viktor Orbán’s nativist message
Domestically, Orbán has built his political platform on opposing migration to Europe, a message carried by a stable of government-friendly media outlets. The establishment of V4NA appears to have two goals: to provide international content for these domestic outlets, and also to amplify Orbán’s nativist message outside Hungary.
We are alarmed by reports that migrants in detention centres in Hungary have been deliberately deprived of food in contravention of international laws and standards.
According to the existing laws in Hungary, migrants and asylum seekers without the right to stay in Hungary are immediately detained in transit zones during their asylum procedure, or until they can be returned. In these transit zones, they are subjected to asylum and deportation procedures, which fail to effectively assess each individual’s situation. We are concerned by the absence in these transit zones of meaningful individualised procedures, which are required to ensure deprivation of liberty is an exceptional measure and that all risks prohibiting a person’s return are taken into account.
Furthermore, if the Hungarian Immigration and Asylum Office starts a procedure with a view to expel the rejected applicant from the country, migrants are no longer provided with food. Pending the enforcement of the expulsion, adults — with the sole exception of pregnant or nursing women — are deliberately deprived of food, which can lead to malnutrition and is both detrimental to their health and inherently inhumane.
According to reports, since August 2018, at least 21 migrants awaiting deportation had been deprived of food by the Hungarian authorities – some for up to five days.
We note that the Hungarian authorities had promised to end this practice following an interim measure by the European Court of Human Rights. However, we regret that, in the absence of a clear change in the legal framework, reports suggest the practice is continuing.
We note also that the Hungarian authorities do not consider some of these migrants to be in detention as they can „voluntarily“ leave the transit zones towards neighbouring Serbia. However, we add our views that a migrant must not be subject to detention in inadequate conditions, arbitrary detention or other forms of coercion as this renders any return involuntary. Furthermore, we note that such „voluntary“ departure could put migrants at further risk as it could breach Hungarian deportation orders, and force migrants to enter Serbia irregularly in contravention of Serbian law.
The UN Human Rights Office reminds States that they have an obligation and heightened duty of care towards migrants who are deprived of their liberty, including through the provision of food. The deliberate deprivation of food is prohibited under the Mandela Rules*, and violates the rights to food and to health, as well as the prohibition of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
We encourage Hungary to ensure it fulfils its human rights obligations towards those deprived of liberty, regardless of whether they are in transit zones or any other place where migrants are detained and cannot provide for themselves.
We reiterate the right of all migrants to seek asylum, as well as the fundamental human rights principle of ‘non-refoulement’, which prohibits the return of any person to a situation where they would face a real and foreseeable risk of persecution, death, torture, and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishment, or other irreparable harm.
Der ungarische Ministerpräsident empfängt Italiens Innenminister Matteo Salvini in Budapest – und verärgert damit viele Mitglieder der EVP. Auch Deutschland reagiert zunehmend mit Argwohn.
Ungarischer Amnesty-Leiter: „Leben in Situation dauernder Bedrohung“
Wiederholte Morddrohungen, Mobbingkampagnen in der regierungsnahen Presse sowie drei Gesetze, die menschenrechtliches Engagement unter Strafandrohung stellen: Für Mitarbeiter von NGOs – auch international so renommierten wie Amnesty International – ist Ungarn unter Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán zu einem heißen Pflaster geworden.
The Guardian: Hungary denying food to asylum seekers, say human rights groups
Hungarian authorities are systematically denying food to failed asylum seekers detained in the country’s border transit zones, say rights activists. The policy, whereby adults whose asylum claims have been rejected are denied food, was described as “an unprecedented human rights violation in 21st-century Europe” by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, a human rights organisation working to offer legal support to those in the transit zones.
Ungarn: Flüchtlinge im Obdachlosenheim
Auf dem Weg vom Flughafen…