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The Hungary games: How Budapest evades its migrants obligations

Die Soziologieprofessorin Kim Lane Scheppele hat eine exzellente Einschätzung der gegenwärtigen Situation verfasst:

The Hungarian government is building a fence on the border with Serbia to keep out the ever-increasing flow of refugees to Europe. But just look at a map. Serbia represents a tiny slice of Hungary’s meandering southern border. If desperate asylum-seekers have traveled thousands of miles to get to Europe, a fence that runs for a little more than 100 miles won’t stop them. Why is Hungary building a small fence on a long border? The fence will divert migrants toward Croatia or Romania on their way to final destinations in the wealthier parts of Europe. And that is precisely the point. Croatia and Romania are EU member states. Serbia is not. Under the “Dublin Regulation,” the legal framework for processing asylum claims in the EU, the member state where asylum-seekers first enter the EU bears responsibility for them until their claims are processed. If Hungary diverts migrants so that they enter the EU first through other member states, then Hungary evades Dublin obligations.

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Ziviler Ungehorsam am Bahnhof Keleti

After 9 pm on Saturday night a train to Munich was stuck at the station for several hours – why? Because 200 Afghan people had been removed from the train, but refused to leave the platform and sat down to the ground. The police isolated the platform and were negotiating with the group for hours, letting the train leave four hours late from its schedule. The group was then taken inside for an official check, ensuring that all of them would be fingerprinted in Hungary.

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Orbán bläst zur Menschenjagd: „Grenzjäger“ sollen Ungarn „physisch sichern“

Die EU gibt Ungarn grünes Licht für die Errichtung des Grenzzauns zu Serbien. Man sei zwar „aus Prinzip“ dagegen, habe jedoch keine Handhabe. Geld aber auch nicht. Menschenhandel und illegale Einwanderung werden in Ungarn jetzt rechtlich auf eine Stufe gestellt und stärker bestraft. Orbán lässt Kompanien von „Grenzjägern“ aufstellen, die dem Traum der Jobbik-Neonazis nach einer „Gendarmerie“ sehr nahe kommen. Die EVP übernimmt unterdessen Orbáns Anti-Asyl-Linie – vor allem auf Kosten der Türkei.

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Neues vom Zaun

Obwohl der Zaun nun mittlerweile an einigen Stellen steht,  erhöht sich die Zahl der irregulären Grenzübertritte weiter und erreichte einen neuen Höchststand: Laut einer Mitteilung der ungarischen Polizei vom 12. 8.2015 wurden in den letzten 24 Stunden 1.783 Personen aufgegriffen. Am Zaun selbst spielen sich mittlerweile absurde Szenen ab, wie das Nachrichtenportal „“ berichtet.



Übersetzung des dazugehörigen  Artikels:

It has occurred at the already built-up fence what the analysts predicted: refugees are waiting for the authorities on the Serbian side, but already on Hungarian territory. Here they are saluting and playing some march – it was heard in the police’s radio, and it turned out that a group was stopped by the fence at Mórahalom. The refugees are sitting in front of the small door and when the police comes then they play a march, salute and ask for asylum. As they are already on Hungarian territory the police must let them in. It may be the only advantage of this situation that refugees could be fingerprinted and registered immediately at border crossing.