Budapest, August 11 (MTI) – A new section of the border fence will be ready on the Hungarian-Serbian border by the end of the week. The section of the razor wire fence in Csongrad County, between Asotthalom and Tiszasziget, will be ready by the weekend, Lieutenant-Colonel Ferenc Bator, the deputy commander in charge of the construction, said in Morahalom on Tuesday.
Aufgriffe an der Grenze
Die ungarische Polizei hat ein Balkendiagramm zu den Aufgriffen der letzten 30 Tage veröffentlicht: Die Zahlen steigen weiter und liegen gegenwärtig bei etwa 1.500 täglich. Lediglich an drei Tagen innerhalb der letzten 30 Tage wurden weniger als 1.000 Personen wegen irregulärem Grenzübertritt verhaftet.
Budapest district mayor closes down playground to prevent refugee children from playing there
Máté Kocsis, the mayor of Budapest’s District VIII – and also communications director of the governing Fidesz party – ordered the closing down of the playground on the district’s central square in order to prevent “migrant children” from playing there, reports Kocsis also made a Facebook post on Wednesday claiming that “The migrants have completely destroyed our recently renovated II. János Pál pápa (Pope John Paul II) Square. They are erecting tents, lighting fires, littering, raving, stealing, stabbing, damaging property. I have never seen this much human excrement in a public place.”
Migrants Cut Through Under-Construction Border Fence
A group of asylum-seekers cut through the anti-immigration border fence under construction on Hungary’s border with Serbia near the settlement of Ásotthalom at night, according to information obtained by the state news channel M1. Police caught all 18 members of the group after vandalising the fence to get into Hungary […]. Material costs implied by the fence have been estimated at HUF 6.5bn, with the government deciding to allocate a further HUF 22.2bn to its construction. According to the government spokesman, around HUF 3bn will be needed for the fence itself out of the HUF 22.2bn framework, meaning that the cost of the fence will total around HUF 9.5-10bn (USD 35.7m).
Neue Lager in Ungarn
Orbán setzt seine Ankündigung in die Tat um und lässt zwei neue Flüchtlingslager in „entlegenen Gebieten“ errichten. Hierzu der Pester Llyod:
Die ungarische Regierung hat die Errichtung zweier neuer Flüchtlingslager bestätigt. Sowohl in bzw. bei Sormás als auch in Mártonfa sollen ab Ende August bis Mitte September Container und Zelte errichtet werden. Auf einer Anwohnerversammlungin Sormás protestierten rund 100 Menschen gegen diese Pläne, die mit der Schließung alter Aufnahmestellen in Großstädten und bewohnten Gebieten einhergehen, wie sie Orbán angeordnet hat. Regierungspolitiker schilderten, ganz im Duktus der xenophoben Angstmacherei, dass sie die „Befürchtungen der Anwohner vor gewalttätigen Übergriffen und Belästigungen“ durch entsprechende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen (Zäune, bewaffnete Lagerwachen, willkürliche Verlegungen, Verhaftungen) ausräumen wollen. Rechtsextreme Gruppen kündigten Widerstand an.
In Mártonfa gibt es nicht einmal Wasser und Strom:
The outskirts of the Baranya County village of Martonfa (population 220) is a wholly unsuitable location for a refugee camp, especially as the planned intake center has no water, electricity or any system of public utilities, reports
Ungarische Regierung: Construction of temporary border barrier continuing at full speed
At a press conference in Budapest on Wednesday, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács announced that the construction of the temporary border barrier is continuing at full speed; 364 soldiers and 112 public workers are currently working in 13 teams. The Government Spokesperson said that as of Tuesday evening, 107.678 illegal immigrants had crossed the border into Hungary this year. He said that establishment of the two temporary reception centres in Martonfa (Baranya County) and Sormás (Zala County) – each to have a capacity of one thousand people – was unavoidable, but both will be located outside inhabited areas.
Over 19 000 Immigrants Could Be Sent Back To Hungary From Western Europe As Jobbik-Backed Protests Mount Against New Reception Centres
Over 19 000 immigrants could be sent back to Hungary from Germany, Austria, France, Sweden, and the Czech Republic under the Dublin Agreements, Sándor Pintér, Hungary’s Minister of Interior, has said. Mr. Pintér said in response to an opposition question concerning the expected number of migrants to be returned to Hungary from other European Union countries that a total of 19 284 requests had been submitted to Hungary’s immigration authority, mostly from Germany and Austria. He said that since the beginning of the year, 66 788 people had applied for political refugee status in Hungary and over 43 000 of those procedures had been terminated because the applicant left the country in the meantime. The figures suggest, he said, that the migrants filed a similar application in another country, and, under the Dublin Agreements, they could be returned to Hungary. European Union member states returned 780 migrants to Hungary by July 16 this year, including 766 whose procedures had been started here. Fully 685 of them did not wait for a decision in their case but left the country shortly after filing a request, Mr. Pintér said.
Zaunbau: Es geht los
Situation in Budapest
Seit einigen Tagen campierten mehrere hundert Flüchtlinge am Budapester Bahnhof „Keleti“:
Heute wurde das Lager mehr oder weniger „freiwillig“ geräumt: Massive Polizeipräsenz führte dazu, dass die Flüchtlinge die Unterführung überstürzt verlassen mussten.

Euronews: Hungary’s new asylum law ‘will put thousands of refugees at risk’
Hungary’s new asylum crackdown will put thousands of desperate refugees at risk in neighbouring countries, it’s been claimed. Amnesty International says a new law, which comes into force on Saturday (August 1), is likely to see migrants arriving in Hungary sent back to Serbia, FYR Macedonia and Greece, where they face “violence and indifference from authorities”. It says the new legislation is Hungary’s “thinly-veiled attempt to dodge its asylum obligations under international law”.