Migszol: The new 8km law allows to push back people to the Serbian side of the fence (Update 10 – 20th June)
A new amendment of the law allows the police to ‘escort’ all refugees that are caught within 8km of the fence to the ‘no man’s land’ at the other side of the fence where they have to wait for days and weeks in inhumane conditions and almost no legal counselling. A new transit zone is opened in Àsotthalom. The conditions in the detention centers remain very bad, especially from Kiskunhalas immigration detention people report dirty facilities, lack of food and to be denied contact with their families. In the meantime there are trials against refugees who are accused of ‘vandalism’ going on (see the Migszol event on coming Friday, June 24th, regarding the political trials of riots in Roszke in Autumn 2015). In between June 10 and June 20th there have been 1362 people who were caught crossing the border illegally to Hungary
Hungary investigates police in case of drowned migrant
Hungarian prosecutors have opened an investigation into whether police can be held criminally responsible for abuse over the death of a Syrian migrant who drowned in the Tisza river as he was trying to cross into Hungary from Serbia this month. Farhan al-Hwaish, 22, drowned in a branch of the river on June 1 when a group of migrants tried to cross into Hungary with the help of human traffickers. Police found his body two days later. His brother, who crossed with him, says he drowned after Hungarian police guarding the border on the river bank threw objects at them, sprayed them with gas and unleashed attack dogs to prevent them from climbing out of the water.
UN official critical of Hungary plan to shut refugee centers
Hungary last year closed its largest refugee center, in the eastern city of Debrecen, which had place for 1,200 people and opened during the 1990s wars in the former Yugoslavia. A center for nearly 500 people in the town of Bicske, near Budapest, is slated to be shut this year. Gyorgy Bakondi, the prime minister’s homeland security adviser, told the AP that while Bicske, the largest of the three remaining open reception centers, would be closed, there were plans to expand a detention facility for migrants and asylum-seekers in the town of Kiskunhalas.
HHC: Recent legal amendments further destroy access to protection, April – June 2016
Between April and June 2016, Hungary enacted legal amendments with a crucial detrimental impact on asylum-seekers and refugees, as the continuation of the politically motivated dismantling of the Hungarian asylum system started in 2015, aiming to deter people in need of international protection from seeking refuge in Hungary.
- Termination of monthly cash allowance of free use for asylum-seekers
- Termination of school-enrolment benefit previously provided to child-asylum-seekers
Terminating theintegration support scheme for recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection introduced in 2013, without replacing it with any alternative measure Irregular migrants (regardless of whether or notthey claim asylum) who are arrested within 8 km (5 miles)of eitherthe Serbian-Hungarian or the Croatian-Hungarian borderwill be “escorted” by the police to the external side of theborder fence, without assessing their protection needs or even registering them [….]
HHC: The Reception Infrastructure for Asylum-Seekers in Hungary
Prime Minister’s Office: No one can be sent back to Hungary
Though a number of EU Member States intend to send migrants back to Hungary, no one can be sent back here. People must be sent back to Greece, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 51 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács. The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office stated at his press conference held on Thursday: a variety of Member States intend to send some 52,000 people back to Hungary, most of them from Germany. Hungary, however, informed all of its partners that these people arrived in Hungary via Greece, and even if they were not registered there, it does not mean that they should be sent back to Hungary, he said.
Ungarisch-serbische Grenze: Europas neues Elendslager
Der Regen hat alles aufgeweicht. Decken, Hosen, Jacken und Hemden hängen zum Trocknen auf den Nato-Stacheldrahtrollen. Ein Mann kocht Tee auf einem kleinen Feuer, er verbrennt Stöckchen, Pappe, Plastikflaschen. Der Wind weht Fäkaliengestank herüber, aus einer Mulde im Boden, hundert Meter neben dem Zeltlager. Dort verrichten die Flüchtlinge ihre Notdurft. Hier, nur wenige Hundert Meter entfernt vom ungarisch-serbischen Grenzübergang Röszke/Horgos, entsteht gerade Europas neues Elendslager für Flüchtlinge – während 800 Kilometer weiter südlich das griechische Idomeni geräumt wird. Rund 300 Menschen kampieren derzeit vor der Transitzone Röszke in Zelten und Unterständen aus Stöcken und Decken, weitgehend sich selbst überlassen.
Orbán On Air: Von Reinrassigkeit als Wettbewerbsvorteil und der Weltverschwörung gegen Ungarn
Die Menschen weisen eine Politik zurück, mit der, aus ideologischen Gründen, unsere Tore geöffnet werden und Millionen von unbekannten Menschen hierher transportiert werden, in unkontrollierter Weise, ohne Rücksicht auf jedwede Sicherheitsüberlegungen. Für uns ist das keine Frage der Menschenrechte und für die europäischen Menschen genausowenig, es ist eine Frage der Sicherheit. Niemand will die Schlüssel seiner Wohnung komplett fremden Menschen geben oder seine Türen und Fenster aus den Angeln heben. Die Menschen brauchen Sicherheit und sie erwarten von ihren gewählten Führern, dass sie diese Sicherheit garantieren. Aber eine Flut von Einwanderern zulassen, macht ein sicheres Leben unmöglich. Ungarn steht auf eben diesem Standpunkt, weil wir – und ich persönlich – glaube, dass die Sicherheit der Menschen zuerst kommt. All die theoretischen und ideologischen Gründe sind da nur zweitrangig.
Die Leute sollen sich mal ein paar Städte in Westeuropa ansehen. Wenn sie sich an diese Städte vor zehn, zwanzig Jahren erinnern, werden sie sehen wie substantiell die Veränderungen sind. Wenn wir das, was Brüssel vor hat, zulassen, werden wir in zehn oder zwanzig Jahren Budapest nicht wiedererkennen. Und Eltern sollten sich die Fragen ihrer Kinder vorstellen, die in 15 Jahren fragen werden, warum sie zugelassen haben, dass das unserem Land angetan wird… Deshalb, glaube ich, müssen wir unsere Landeskultur beschützen, wir müssen die Sicherheit gewährleisten und wir müssen auch unsere kulturelle Homogenität bewahren.
Migrant crisis: The smugglers‘ route through Hungary
The migrant route across Hungary has reopened this year, as borders through the Balkans to Austria have become harder to cross. At least 12,000 migrants have broken through the infamous razor wire fence on Hungary’s southern border with Serbia this year.