Even most Fidesz voters don’t believe Soros is responsible for illegal immigration
59 percent of respondents do not believe that NGOs are setting up “immigration organizing offices” to execute the “Soros-plan”, according to a recent poll conducted by Policy Agenda at the request of news site zoom.hu. Even though the Hungarian government has spent tens of millions of dollars demonizing George Soros and civil society, only 27 percent of the Hungarian society agree with the statement “there are civil organizations in Hungary that seek to open immigration offices to help implement the Soros-plan.”
Hungarian government spent €40 million on anti-Soros propaganda in 2017
The Hungarian government spent more than 40 million euros last year on advertising its two ‘national consultations’ and communicating the ‘results’ of those, Atlatszo learned after filing a freedom of information request for the detailed budget of the above-mentioned propaganda campaigns. Nearly third of that money flowed to Lőrinc Mészáros, a close friend of PM Viktor Orbán.
LANZAROTE COMMITTEE Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse
Hungary: Key Asylum Figures for 2017
93 Million € spent on anti-Soros posters in 2017
Gesetzentwurf in Ungarn – Schikanen gegen Flüchtlingshelfer
Ungarns Regierung versetzt dem Rechtsstaat einen schweren Schlag: Ein neues Gesetz lässt sich missbrauchen, um zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und sogar die freie Presse zu gängeln […]. Die drei wesentlichen Bestimmungen des Gesetzespaketes:
Alle Zivilorganisationen, die zu „illegaler Migration“ beitragen, müssen sich gerichtlich registrieren lassen und periodisch Aktivitätsberichte vorlegen.
Zivilorganisationen, die mit „illegaler Migration“ zu tun haben und mehr als die Hälfte ihrer Einnahmen aus dem Ausland beziehen, müssen eine Strafsteuer von 25 Prozent zahlen, die der Staat dann für den Grenzschutz verwenden will.
Ungarischen Staatsbürgern, die im Verdacht stehen, zu „illegaler Migration“ beizutragen, kann der Zutritt zu einer Acht-Kilometer-Zone im Bereich der Schengen-Außengrenze verboten werden, ausländischen Staatsbürgern unter demselben Verdacht droht eine Ausweisung oder eine Einreisesperre.
Budapest homeless service provider has had refugee housing program since 2016
Budapest’s largest homeless service provider has had a dedicated housing program for refugees since 2016, Magyar Nemzet reports. The Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and Its Institutions (BMSZKI) launched its housing program for refugees in August 2016 after it applied for and won HUF 82.5 million (USD 326,700) from the Ministry of Interior’s Interior Fund. The Interior Fund itself, totaling HUF 9.9 billion (USD 39.1 million), is funded from the European Commission’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). The EU provides 75 percent funding for projects implemented from AMIF, while member states must provide 25 percent.
After a cabinet meeting this afternoon, the Hungarian government released an article in English on the official website of the Prime Minister’s Office, About Hungary. Here are the most important provisions of these bills:
1. Every organization that supports illegal immigration by using foreign financial resources would be registered and obliged to report on its activity.
2. A tax would be imposed on the foreign funding of organizations supporting illegal immigration. This public income would be invested in border protection.
3. It would be possible to issue restraining orders against those who take part in organizing illegal immigration. In essence, such restraining orders would apply in any area that is within 8 kilometers of the Schengen border. In special cases, a third-country citizen would be subject to a restraining order anywhere within Hungary. This measure would remain in force until the end of the migration crisis.