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The Budapest Beacon: Viktor Orbán: We are in a half-war situation

Hungary is to build a second fence on the Serbian border, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his usual Friday radio interview. Speaking to state-owned Kossuth Radio, Orbán announced that the existing razor-wire fence will be strengthened with another one, using the latest technology. “Another, more massive defense system is needed that can stop hundreds of thousands of people at the same time,” he said.
Although Orbán still thinks that the border between Greece and Macedonia should be the first priority, Hungary must prepare for the unraveling of the EU-Turkish agreement, and if this happens “hundreds of thousands of refugees may arrive”. “Then if it does not work with nice words, we will have to stop them with force, and we will do so,” he said. […] Orbán also mentioned that 3000 new “border hunters” will be hired this year to protect the border. “We are at a half-war situation,” he said.[…] “The security of our wives and daughters is at stake,” Orbán said, adding that more Hungarian children need to be born.

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Foxnews: Hungarian police may join Serbia migrant patrols

Officials say Hungary’s police could join the Serbian troops patrolling the Balkan country’s borders with Macedonia and Bulgaria to help curb the influx of migrants trying to reach the European Union. Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic and Hungarian counterpart Sandor Pinter discussed the idea in a meeting Thursday held near the border where hundreds of migrants are camping awaiting entry into EU-member Hungary.

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Plakate in Ungarn

Im Vorfeld der „nationalen Konsultation“ Anfang Oktober 2016 (“Wollen Sie zulassen, dass die Europäische Union bestimmen darf, dass nichtungarische Bürger in Ungarn ohne Zustimmung des nationalen Parlamentes angesiedelt werden?“) hat die Regierung das Land mal wieder mit absolut neutralen Plakaten gepflastert, um die Bevölkerung zur Teilnahme zu animieren.

Plakat 1: Wussten Sie, dass seit Beginn der Migrationskrise mehr als 300 Menschen bei Terroranschlägen in Europa ums Leben gekommen sind?

Plakat 2 und 3: Wussten Sie, dass im vergangenen Jahr eineinhalb Millionen illegale Einwanderer nach Europa gelangt sind? / Wussten Sie, dass Brüssel in Ungarn so viele illegale Einwanderer ansiedeln möchte, wie es der Bevölkerung einer ganzen Stadt entspricht?

Plakat 4: Wussten Sie, dass seit Beginn der Migrationskrise die Übergriffe auf Frauen in Europa dramatisch angestiegen sind?4

Plakat 5: Wussten Sie, dass der Terrorüberfall von Paris von Immigranten verübt wurde?

Plakat 6: Wussten Sie, dass alleine in Libyen fast eine Million Einwanderer warten, um nach Europa zu gelangen?

The Guardian: Hungarian prime minister says migrants are ‚poison‘ and ’not needed‘

“This is why there is no need for a common European migration policy: whoever needs migrants can take them, but don’t force them on us, we don’t need them,” Orban said. The populist leader added that “every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk”. “For us migration is not a solution but a problem … not medicine but a poison, we don’t need it and won’t swallow it,” he said.

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DW: Migrants stranded in Serbian no-man’s land

Migrants and refugees stranded in Serbia have gone on a hunger strike near the Hungarian border in protest against closed borders and EU restrictions. Lidija Tomic reports from the border. In recent weeks, nearly 3,000 migrants, mostly from Afghanistan and Pakistan, have been stuck in a legal limbo all across Serbia. Their number is growing constantly since Hungary tightened its rules for asylum-seekers and decided to push back all those caught within eight kilometers of the border. Out of sheer desperation some have gone on a hunger strike to draw attention to their plight. „We will sit here and drink only water to show the desperate situation we are facing in. We are not criminals. We are all here because we have lots of problems in our own countries,“ one refugee, who recently arrived at the check point in Horgos, told DW. Budapest has deployed 10,000 police and army forces along the fence and limited the number of daily admissions to a maximum of 30, leaving hundreds of migrants stranded in the transit zone between the two countries.

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