In the first four months of the year, only 228 asylum-seekers were granted protection.
[O] on 20 June, 1.489 asylum-seekers were accommodated at open reception centres (in Bicske, Vámosszabadi, Körmend and Balassagyarmat). On 20 June, 734 first-time asylum-seekers were detained in specific “asylum jails” (in Békéscsaba, Kiskunhalas and Nyírbátor).
In the first five months of the year only 300 asylum-seekers were sent back to Hungary under a so-called Dublin procedure, primarily from Germany (144) and Switzerland (44).
Between 15 September 2015 and 26 June 2016, 2.839 persons were tried at court out of which 2.792 were convicted for the “prohibited crossing of the border closure”.