Between April and June 2016, Hungary enacted legal amendments with a crucial detrimental impact on asylum-seekers and refugees, as the continuation of the politically motivated dismantling of the Hungarian asylum system started in 2015, aiming to deter people in need of international protection from seeking refuge in Hungary.
- Termination of monthly cash allowance of free use for asylum-seekers
- Termination of school-enrolment benefit previously provided to child-asylum-seekers
Terminating theintegration support scheme for recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection introduced in 2013, without replacing it with any alternative measure Irregular migrants (regardless of whether or notthey claim asylum) who are arrested within 8 km (5 miles)of eitherthe Serbian-Hungarian or the Croatian-Hungarian borderwill be “escorted” by the police to the external side of theborder fence, without assessing their protection needs or even registering them [….]