The bill would require Hungarian NGOs that receive more than HUF 7.2 million (USD 25,000) from foreign sources to register with authorities and represent themselves to the public as foreign-funded organizations. The bill’s authors decided, however, that the transfer of European Union funds into Hungary is not applicable under this rule.
- civil organizations and foundations must register with authorities within 15 days of meeting the annual threshold. The organizations must itemize each such transaction for the authorities.
- this information would be made public on the government-operated Civil Information Portal.
- the organizations must immediately report on their website (or anything they publish) that according to Hungarian law, they are recognized as a foreign-funded organization.
- applicable organizations that do not identify themselves as foreign-funded will be fined. If they refuse to abide by the law, prosecutors can remove the organization from Hungary’s corporate registry.
- organizations can only be de-listed as foreign-funded organizations after five consecutive years of receiving less than the annual HUF 7.2 million threshold;
- churches and religious organizations are exempt from having to register as foreign-funded organizations.