Orbán fordert Abschiebungen nach Serbien und Änderung der EU-Regularien

“First they go to Greece. They aren’t in danger by the time they arrive there. From there they go to Macedonia and Serbia where they can live in peace. There’s no political persecution in Serbia, Macedonia, or Greece. Therefore, those who arrive in Hungary came from countries where they are no longer refugees. They don’t have to flee those countries. Therefore, I’d like to make it clear that every person, regardless of the reason why they left their homeland, by the time they arrive in Hungary they are all sustenance migrants because they could have stayed in Serbia,” Orbán said. Orbán thinks Hungary needs to deal with migrants in its own way and that the European Union should not impose migrant related regulations on Hungary. “We are forced to let them in because the European Union regulations make us,” Orbán said. The migrant problem has two solutions, Orban believes. First, migrants need to be sent back to where they came from. Secondly, Hungary needs to change the European Union regulations. To do this it needs to find partners in the European Union. The national consultation on immigration and terrorism is “correct, open, and fair”, Orbán said. Orbán admits that the national consultation clearly isn’t on the side of the migrants, “but why should we love the immigrants anyway?” Orbán said.

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